Man With No Limbs Beats Up Thief That Stole His Sunglasses.
Guy without limbs beats the crap out of a thief that stole his sunglasses.

Scuba Diver Panic
Terrifying footage of a diver nearly drowning after suffering panic attack.

Thieves In Rio Olympics 2016 Caught On Cam
Disturbing footage shows young thieves terrorizing people during the Olympics.

Man Falls In Pond Playing Pokemon GO
Unfortunate guy falls into a pond while playing with the new Pokemon game.

Woman Pulls The Hand Break On A Car While Her Boyfriend Was Racing Down A Mexican Highway
She pulls the handbrake to stop her boyfriend from racing...check out what happens next.

Family Catches Christmas Burglars, Holds Them At Gunpoint In Middle Of TV Interview
Hero family stopped the burglars and hold them at gunpoint.

Best Women Stealing Videos From All Over The World. CCTV
Shocking compilation video shows women stealing stuff around the world.

Close Shave: Truck Overturns, Misses Motorcyclist By Inches
I bet he had to clean his pants out after this. Extremely close call.

Woman Is Parking Her SMART Car :-D
This should be illegal...her parking skills are even worse than mine.

Watch Repairman Get Caught Trying To Charge $700 For Simple Air Vent Fix
Repairman caught trying to charge $700 for a simple air vent fix.